Visar innehåll taggat: Julien Facchin

Dinner for two in a druglab

Tata Ivi, our friend from Switzerland, describes herself as "not a normal girl". A couple of years ago after some horrible dates Tata decided that she wanted try to go on a normal date, with a regular guy but ended up with a drug lord. Here is... Fortsätt»

ROMA13 forsta
Kaput Mundi – One Week In Roma

Mega Lasers Julien Facchin spent some time in Roma this year. Here are his photos. Fortsätt»

Midsommar in Punkedal

It’s Friday 24th of june in Sweden which also means one of the most important events in the viking calendar. It’s ”midsommar” aka the celebration of the longest day of the year and the fertility of mother nature! Traditional Swedes dance... Fortsätt»

Kultur för fulsmakare

Johnny Bode ville bli runkad med vita handskar på, Lilla Lovis spottar aldrig ut snusen innan hon suger kuk och Färska Prinzen knullar din mamma i en Volvo på E6:an. Vi må vara den mest självmedvetna, trendängsliga och tillknäppta nationen... Fortsätt»

Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

Du kanske trodde att gatuartister var bittra, uttråkade av sig själva och bara ute efter cash? Då har du inte träffat Konstantin Valentin. Han ska nämligen bli något stort. Fortsätt»

Weed Wine & Women

We sat down with Houstons finest to talk about his favorite spices of life…. Fortsätt»

FUZI UVTPK – The brutal tattoo artist

If you watched the news in France during the late 90’s, surely you heard about the UV-TPK because of their graffiti and their violence. If you haven’t - bad luck for you. The guy who likes big butt chicks with huge tits and doesn’t really like... Fortsätt»

When politicians turn to vandals

Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, doesn’t have any trouble with graffiti. Because in Montevideo graffiti doesn’t exist. I’m standing in front of a ten-meter high mural painting that says, “Work for everybody“. Beneath it you can see the local... Fortsätt»

Chungking Mansion in Hong-Kong

“They´ll sell you anything” – Hash, weed, opium, heroine, ketamin, ice. If you are lucky you can find coke, that’s it Boom Baba says with a smile. Boom Baba is a second generation Hong Kong dude, originally from India. He’s working at... Fortsätt»

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